Customs regulations for your trip to Czech Republic

Last modified: July 31, 2023
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Customs Regulations

After accession to the European Union, customs controls at the land borders of the Czech Republic were abolished. International airports, of which Prague Ruzyne airport is the largest, are the only external borders controlled by Czech customs authorities.

You should carry your passport with you at all times for identification. The police may fine you or arrest you if you fail to do so.

Some city centre bars and restaurants don’t allow access to stag groups. Drunken or offensive behaviour is dealt with according to Czech law and may result in detention and or fines.

If you travel on public transport you must buy a ticket before you travel and validate it via the machine when you board. You’ll be fined on the spot if you are travelling with a ticket that has not been validated. The fine, usually 800 crowns (around £22.00), is paid directly to the ticket inspector. You should get a receipt. If you can’t pay the fine the police will be called and you may go through identity checks. The fine can be higher if you’re unable to pay on the spot. You can buy tickets at most large hotels, metro stations and at many newspaper stands (‘Trafika’) and convenience stores.

You may be fined if you attempt to cross a road or tram tracks within 50 metres of a designated crossing point (commonly marked by ‘zebra’ style crossing or traffic lights). You may also be fined if you cross at a pedestrian crossing if the green pedestrian crossing light is not lit.

Same-sex relationships and civil partnerships are legal in Czech Republic but same-sex marriages aren’t recognised in Czech law. Public displays of affection may be frowned upon or attract unwanted attention. See our information and advice page for the LGBT community before you travel.

Taking food and drink into the Czech Republic

You cannot take meat, milk or products containing them into EU countries. There are some exceptions for medical reasons, for example certain amounts of powdered infant milk, infant food, or pet food required for medical reasons.

Click here to see : Local laws and customs

Used Household Goods and Personal Effects

Documents Required

  • Passport
  • Packing list
  • Inventory list
  • Copy of lease agreement
  • Letter of employment
  • Original bill of lading (OBL) / air waybill (AWB)
  • Czech ID card (instead of a lease agreement for Czech nationals)
  • Customs import declaration provided by the local embassy (diplomats)

Specific Information

  • Shipments are duty free if documentation requirements are met.

Click here to see : Country guides

Dutiable Items

Free Import when travelling within EU

Although there are no limits on the amount of alcohol and tobacco one can bring in from EU countries, customs officials are more likely to ask you questions if you have more than:

Tobacco products:

  • 800 cigarettes;
  • 400 cigarillos (max. 3g each);
  • 200 cigars;
  • 1kg smoking tobacco;

Alcoholic beverages:

  • 10 litres of spirits over 22%;
  • 20 litres of alcoholic beverages less than 22%;
  • 90 litres of wine (though no more than 60 litres of sparkling wine);
  • 110 litres of beer.

These quantities can be seized if customs are satisfied that they are of a commercial nature.

Free Import quantities when travelling from outside EU

Alcohol and alcoholic beverages

Over 17 years olds can bring (in personal luggage) the following quantities:

  • 1 litre of alcohol that does not exceed 22% volume of alcohol, or un-denatured ethyl alcohol 80% volume and over
  • 2 litres of alcohol that does not exceeds 22% volume of alcohol
  • 4 litres of still wine
  • 16 litres of beer.

The passengers can combine the first two types of alcohol as long the alcohol volume does not exceed 100%.

Over 17 years old that belong to the following categories:

  • persons residing in the frontier zone (region beyond the expanding borders of the European Union including: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro)
  • frontier-zone workers,
  • the crews of means of transport used between third countries and the Community,
    may bring (in your personal luggage) alcohol in the following quantities:
  • 0,5 litre of alcohol exceeding 22% volume, or un-denatured ethyl alcohol of 80% volume and over
  • a total of 0,5 litre of alcohol and alcoholic beverages of an alcoholic strength not exceeding 22% volume
  • 0,5 litre of still wine
  • 2 litres of beer.

The passengers can combine the first two types of alcohol as long the alcohol volume does not exceed 100%.

Note that the consideration of what constitutes frontier countries lies entirely with EU and the list outlined above may change.

Tobacco products

When travelling by air or sea , over 17 years old can bring tobacco products for personal use only the following:

  • 200 cigarettes or
  • 100 cigarillos or
  • 50 cigars or
  • 250 g of smoking tobacco.

Each amount specified in above points will amount to 100% of the total allowance for tobacco products.

When travelling by land, over 17 years old can bring tobacco products for personal use only the following:

  • 40 cigarettes or
  • 20 cigarillos or
  • 10 cigars or
  • 50 grams of smoking tobacco.

Each amount specified in all the points will amount to 100% of the total allowance for tobacco products.

Other goods

  • Medication – for personal use only
  • Personal items of non-commercial nature worth up to 430 euro when travelling by air or sea
  • Personal items of non-commercial nature worth up to 300 euro when travelling by land
  • Personal items of non-commercial nature worth up to 150 euro for travellers under 15 years of age.

Non-commercial item are of an occasional nature and consist exclusively of goods for the personal or family use of the traveller, or of goods intended as presents. The nature and quantity of the goods must not be such as to indicate that they are being imported for commercial reasons.

Click here to view : Airport tax regulations

Prohibited Items

  • Meat and milk and any items thereof from non-EU countries with the exception of limited amounts from Andorra, Croatia, the Faeroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland and small amounts of specific products from other countries
  • Protected species and products thereof as listed by the CITES (Washington Convention) for example ivory, tortoise shell, coral, reptile skin, wood from Amazonian forests.

The Integrated Tariff of the European Union (Tarif Intégré de la Communauté – TARIC) is designed to show various rules that apply to specific products imported into the customs territory of the EU or, in some cases, when exported from it. To determine whether a product is prohibited or subject to restriction, check the TARIC for the following codes:

  • CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
  • PROHI Import Suspension
  • RSTR Import Restriction

For information on how to access the TARIC, see the Import Requirements and Documentation Section above.

Click here to view : Prohibited restricted imports

Miscellaneous (Pets, Motors, and others.)

Arms and Ammunition regulations:

Import of sporting guns: special license and gun license, both obtained prior to arrival, required.

Prohibited: It is not allowed to import arms and ammunition from Russian Fed. and Syria


Cats and dogs are subject to Regulation (EC) No. 998/2003 and Regulation (EU) 576/2013 . However, echinococcus and ticks treatment are not required. Entry may be refused in case the animal is not in good health or in case of an unfavorable epizootological situation in the country of origin.
Birds are subject to Decision (EC) No. 25/2007.

Pets may enter as passenger’s checked baggage, in the cabin or as cargo. For more detailed information contact a Czech embassy or visit

Baggage Clearance regulations:

Baggage is cleared at the first airport of entry in Czechia.

Exempt: baggage of transit passengers continuing to Ostrava (OSR).


Currency Import regulations:

and Export: local currency (Czech Koruna-CZK) and foreign currencies: no restrictions if arriving from or traveling to another EU Member State .
If arriving directly from or traveling to a country outside the EU: amounts exceeding EUR 10,000.- or more or the equivalent in another currency (incl. banker’s draft and cheques of any kind) must be declared.

Click here to view : Currency airport regulations

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