Customs regulations
Under Montenegrin law you must carry a valid form of ID with you at all times, for example a driving licence, passport or equivalent, otherwise you may be fined. Keep a photocopy of your passport in a safe place.
Drug laws are similar to those in the UK. Possession or trafficking of drugs will attract strict penalties and often a lengthy prison sentence.
Taking photographs of military and police installations, personnel or vehicles is forbidden and may lead to arrest and prosecution by the local authorities.
There are no laws against same-sex sexual activity and there is a general tolerance towards same-sex couples in Montenegro. However, due to the conservative nature of society, overt public displays of affection may attract unwanted attention. Pride events have been held since 2013 and generally take place without incident. You can find more local information on LGBT issues on the website of Queer Montenegro. See our information and advice page for the LGBT community before you travel.
Montenegro uses a fairly standard import/export documentation process (generally requiring bill-of-landing and related sales documents). With the liberalization of the trade regime and reform of the trade/custom-related institutions, Montenegro is moving toward harmonizing its import documentation with the EU.
For the most part, import-licensing regimes were dismantled beginning in 1999. However, import licenses are required for arms/ammunition, military and police equipment, antiquities, works of art, precious metals, waste, and substances harmful to the ozone layer. According to government officials, it is not difficult to obtain a license and, in all successful cases, licenses are issued in less than 30 days and may be used for multiple shipments during the period of validity.
Restricted/Dutiable Items
Free import:
For passengers of 17 years of age or older:
- 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 100 cigarillos (max. 3 grams per piece) or 250 grams of tobacco;
- 1 litre of alcohol of 22% volume or higher or non-denatured ethyl alcohol containing 80% alcohol per volume or more; or
- 2 liters of alcohol of max. 22% volume; and
- 4 liters of non-sparkling wine; and
- 16 liters of beer;
For all passengers:
- 1/4 liter of Eau de Cologne and a reasonable quantity of perfume.
Foreigners, and nationals of Montenegro (Rep. of) residing abroad
- Verbal declaration that the goods are temporarily imported. However, for all other articles imported for personal use (e.g. video-camera, video-recorder etc.) a written declaration for temporary import is required. Nationals of Montenegro working abroad must provide a written declaration stating that the items concerned are temporarily imported.
- Cats and dogs must be accompanied by a veterinarian Good Health Certificate legalised by the Veterinary Authorities at the point of origin or departure.
Prohibited Items
- Alcoholic beverages
- Pork and pork products
Miscellaneous (Pets, Motors, and others.)
Arms and Ammunition regulations:
- firearms license; and
- letter of invitation; or
- notification of the organizers of hunting or sporting competitions; or
- approval for the purchase of weapons and ammunition. Nationals of Montenegro residing outside Montenegro without holding this approval, can import hunting and sporting firearms and ammunition if listed in the travel document issued by the diplomatic and consular missions of Montenegro.
Wild Fauna and Flora:
The import of certain endangered species of plant, live animals and their products is prohibited or restricted under CITES.
For further details please refer to CITES:
Additional Information on regulations:
Allowed, without phytosanitary certificate, for personal use:
- small quantities of plants and plant products;
- fresh fruit and vegetables (except for potatoes) up to a maximum of 5 kilograms.
Cats and dogs (with a maximum of 5 pets) must be accompanied by a veterinarian Good Health Certificate legalized by the Veterinary Authorities at the point of origin or departure.
Import is not allowed for pets younger than three months of age.
Baggage Clearance regulations:
Baggage is cleared at the first airport of entry in Montenegro.
Exempt: baggage of passengers in transit with a final destination outside of Montenegro.
Currency Import regulations:
Local currency (Euro – EUR) and foreign currencies: no restrictions. However, amounts exceeding EUR 10,000.- or more or the equivalent in another currency must be declared (incl. credit cards, banker’s draft and cheques of any kind).
Currency Export regulations:
Local currency (Euro – EUR) and foreign currencies: no restrictions. However, amounts exceeding EUR 10,000.- or more or the equivalent in another currency must be declared (incl. credit cards, banker’s draft and cheques of any kind).
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