Customs regulations for your trip to New Caledonia

Last modified: July 25, 2023
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Customs regulations

Import regulations:

Free import:

  • Tobacco products (passengers of 18 years or older): 50 cigarettes or 50 grams of cigars or 50 grams of tobacco or a combination, weighing max. 50 grams;
  • Alcoholic beverages (passengers of 18 years or older):
    – three bottles (or other containers) each containing max. 1125 milliliters of spirit, liquor or other spirituous beverages; and
    – 4.5 liters of wine or 4.5 liters of beer;
  • Wearing apparel (incl. fur apparel for overseas visitors). For nationals and residents of New Zealand: All clothing for own use. Fur apparel: for own use if owned and used for at least 12 months;
  • Personal effects: clothing, toiletries and personal jewellery (incl. watches) are free of duty and Goods and Service Tax, if they are for personal use. This also includes new or used articles which travelers may reasonably require for their personal use during a journey, or, which returning New Zealand resident have acquired during an overseas trip.
    Visitors may also import the following, on the condition that the goods are taken out of New Zealand upon departure:
    baby carriages and strollers; binoculars; calculators; cellular/mobile phones; portable musical instruments; personal laptops and accessories; portable radio receivers; portable audio and video equipment; portable typewriter; sporting equipment; still, video and motion picture cameras and accessories, wheelchairs for invalids;
  • Gifts up to a value of NZD 110.-. (multiple gift allowance may apply if intended for more than one person);
  • Household and other effects, for passengers intending to permanently relocate to New Zealand: if owned and used by passenger before departure for New Zealand and the passenger has resided outside New Zealand for at least 21 months before arrival in New Zealand;
  • All dutiable goods, if the goods accompany the passenger and are not for sale or business use nor imported on behalf of another person except as unsolicited gifts:
  • Not including wearing apparel, personal and household effects, tobacco and liquor up to the value of NZD 700.-. This NZD 700.- limit applies to a total combined value of all goods imported under this concession. Individuals traveling together cannot combine their individual allowance. Full duty and sales tax applicable on any excess over NZD 700.- worth.

Arms and Ammunition regulations:

Concealable firearms such as revolvers and automatic pistols are prohibited. A permit for all other firearms/air guns must be applied for online prior to travel and the permit will be issued on arrival by NZ police, upon sighting passport and firearms license issued by country of residence. An application fee of NZD $25 will also be collected on arrival. Refer to for more information.

Additional Information on regulations:

The following items are restricted entry to New Zealand or require inspection and possible treatment on arrival:

  • Food of any kind (raw or processed);
  • Animals (alive or dead) -see Pets-, animal products, incl. meat, skins, feathers, bone, wool, eggs, cultures, shells, hair, honey;
  • Plants, fruit, vegetables, seeds, flowers (fresh or dried), nuts, bulbs, straw, bamboo, wood and other plant products;
  • Equipment used with animals or plants (incl. saddlery and beekeeping equipment), camping equipment, used bicycles, sporting equipment, soil; items to treat or prevent pests or disease in animals.

Visits within 30 days before arrival in New Zealand to farms or forested areas should be brought to the attention of the Agriculture Quarantine Officer.

Export regulations:

Prohibited: Greenstone, Maori antiquities, Paua shells (except articles manufactured from such shells).

Crew members customs regulations:

If arriving as:

  • Operating crew, the same regulations as for passengers apply, except that the max. allowance is NZD 50.-;
  • Passengers, the same regulations as for passengers apply.


Cats and dogs: must be filled with an identification microchip. A minimum of 72 hours notice is required by the MAF Biosecurity New Zealand and cats and dogs must be transported to New Zealand as cargo, with the exception of assistance (guide or seeing eye) dogs.

  • Category 1: imported directly from Australia (including Norfolk Isl.) do not require a Permit to Import. No quarantine required for compliant cats and dogs. However, post arrival inspection is required. Clearance times may be restricted.
  • Category 2: imported from Bahrain, Barbados, Channel Isl., Chinese Taipei, Christmas Isl., Cook Isl., Falkland Isl., Fiji, French Polynesia, Guam, Hawaii, Iceland, Japan, Kiribati, Marshall Isl., Mauritius, Micronesia (Federated States), Nauru, New Caledonia, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Pitcairn Isl., Saipan, Samoa, Samoa (American), Singapore, Solomon Isl., Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and Wallis and Fortuna require a Permit to Import. Post arrival inspection and quarantine (minimum of 10 days) required. Those arriving from Pacific islands with limited veterinary services may be granted dispensation, with tests and treatments completed during post arrival quarantine;
  • Category 3: imported from Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Austria, Argentina, Bahamas, Belgium, Bermuda, Bonaire, St, Eustatius and Saba, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Canada, Cayman Isl., Chile, Croatia, Curacao, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark (including Greenland), Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hong Kong (SAR China), Hungary, Italy, Ireland (Rep.) Isle of Man, Jamaica, Korea (Rep.), Kuwait, Luxembourg, Macao (SAR China), Malaysia (Peninsular, Sabah and Sarawak only), Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Reunion, Serbia, Seychelles, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain (including Balearic and Canary Isl.), St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Maarten, St Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Sweden, Switzerland, Trinidad and Tobago, USA (excluding Hawaii), United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Virgin Isl. (British) and Virgin Isl. (USA) require a Permit to Import. Post arrival inspection and quarantine (minimum of 10 days) required.

Cats and dogs from other countries are not eligible for direct import to New Zealand.
Model Veterinary Certificates; specific vaccination requirements, depending on Category; MAF contact details can be obtained at

PROHIBITED: American Pit Bull Terrier, Brazilian Fila, Dogo Argentina, Japanese Tosa and Perro de Presa Canarioa are not allowed to be imported into New Zealand.

Baggage Clearance regulations:

Baggage is cleared at the first port of entry in New Zealand.

Exempt: baggage of transit passengers with a destination outside of New Zealand if the onward flight is on the same calendar day and the passengers do not leave the transit area.


Currency Import regulations:

Local currency (New Zealand Dollar-NZD) and foreign currencies in amounts exceeding NZD 10,000 must be declared.

Currency Export regulations:

Local currency (New Zealand Dollar-NZD) and foreign currencies in amounts exceeding NZD 10,000 must be declared.

Airport Tax

An International Passenger Charge is levied on passengers embarking for destinations abroad at:
Hamilton Airport: fee NZD 25.-.

  • Children until/incl. 11 years.
  • Passengers transiting with the same aircraft.

Place of payment: Airport of departure.

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