Customs regulations
Import regulations:
Free import of:
the following items by persons older than 17 years:
- 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 100 cigarillos or 250 grams of tobacco;
- 2 liters of non-sparkling wines and either 1 liter of alcohol with more than 22% volume or 2 liters alcohol with less than 22% volume;
50 grams of perfume and 25 milliliters eau de toilette;
personal effects;
Goods with a value of maximum XPF 30,000.- if being 15 years or older and XPF 15,000.- if being under 15 years of age.
Arms and Ammunition regulations:
An import authorization is required. Contact DIRAG – Direction de la Reglementation et de l’Administration Generale, BP C5 – 98844 Noumea. Tel: 687 266300.
Wild Fauna and Flora:
The import of certain endangered species of plant, live animals and their products is prohibited or restricted under CITES.
For further details please refer to CITES:
For more information, contact Direction de l’Agriculture, de la Foret et de l’Environnement, BP 180 – 98845, Noumea. Tel: 687 232430.
Additional Information on regulations:
The following items must be accompanied by a sanitary certificate in the form prescribed by the veterinary department of New Caledonia:
– cooked meat and other animal products;
– raw meat, which is only allowed if originating from Australia, Canada, Denmark, French Polynesia, Ireland (Rep.), New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, USA or Vanuatu.
Any import is prohibited unless an import permit has been granted in advance by the SIVAP head officer:
(Service D’inspection Vétérinaire Alimentaire Phytosanitaire) |
Address: BP M2 |
98849 Nouméa cedex |
New Caledonia |
Phone: +687 24 37 45 |
E-mail: [email protected] |
Website: |
Live animals arriving at NOU must be registered on a cargo manifest. The original form of the SIVAP permit and official Health Certificate must be attached to the MAWB.
SIVAP quarantine must be advised 48 hours before arrival (AWB number/Flight number and date / SIVAP permit number). Only SIVAP quarantine officers can pick up live animals arriving in New Caledonia.
Animal Quarantine centre:
Lot n°37 Lotissement KSI Païta
New Caledonia
Phone +687 41 25 36
E-mail: [email protected]
SIVAP Airport |
Phone: +687 35.12.69 |
E-mail: [email protected] |
Website: |
Animals can only been imported from following countries :
Animals coming from other countries can only be imported if they stay more than 6 months in an authorized country or if they have fully done an import process in Australia or New Zealand before being imported in New Caledonia.
Quarantine period is 10 days.
Generally prohibited except if coming from a country free of aviary pest and newcastle disease. Parrots: import max. 2 per person (owner for more than 6 months), and the animal must be free of psittacosis. In all cases: apply for “import permit” at least one month in advance to “SVPA BP 256 Noumea, New Caledonia”.
Baggage Clearance regulations:
Baggage is cleared at Noumea (NOU).
Currency Import regulations:
Local currency (CFP Franc-XPF) and foreign currencies: amounts exceeding EUR 10,000.- or equivalent must be declared on arrival.
Currency Export regulations:
Local currency (CFP Franc-XPF) and foreign currencies: up to the amounts imported or declared.
Airport Tax
No airport tax is levied on passengers upon embarkation at the airport.
Learn all about regulations for your destination country. From airport tax to be paid on departure, to importing pets, as well as rules on how much currency you may bring into and out of a country.
Let our experts handle your excess baggage. Reach out to us today!
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