Oman Travel Information

Last modified: July 25, 2023
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Airport Tax: OMR 5.- has to be paid upon departure if not collected at ticket issuance.
Exempt: children up to 2 years of age.

Entry requirements

The information on this page covers the most common types of travel and reflects the UK government’s understanding of the rules currently in place. Unless otherwise stated, this information is for travellers using a full ‘British Citizen’ passport.

The authorities in the country or territory you’re travelling to are responsible for setting and enforcing the rules for entry. If you’re unclear about any aspect of the entry requirements, or you need further reassurance, you’ll need to contact the embassy, high commission or consulate of the country or territory you’re travelling to.

You should also consider checking with your transport provider or travel company to make sure your passport and other travel documents meet their requirements.

Entry rules in response to coronavirus

Before you travel

You must have a valid visa before you travel. Visas cannot currently be issued on arrival. You should check with your airline what documentation they require you to present.

If you are over the age of 16, you must take a PCR test no more than 72 hours prior to your arrival in Oman and complete an online pre-registration form.

You will also need to have downloaded the Tarassud+ and HMushrif track and trace applications (available on iOS and Android phones). While you can do this on arrival in Oman, you should aim to download it before you leave the UK.

You must have proof of hotel accommodation and travel/health insurance which covers at least 30 days of COVID-19 treatment. It is no longer permitted to self-isolate at home unless you are under 18 (and travelled unaccompanied), over 60 years old or have a document from your health provider stating that for medical reasons you cannot self-isolate in a hotel.

Travel by air

British nationals with valid residence, tourist, business ‘express’ or family visit visas can enter Oman. Any other travellers should seek approval via their airline. Alternatively, their sponsors can email the Omani MFA at [email protected].

From 25 February, British nationals (excluding healthcare workers) who have visited Lebanon, Sudan, South Africa, Brazil, Nigeria, Tanzania, Guinea, Ghana, Sierra Leone, and Ethiopia in the last 14 days (including transit) will not be permitted to enter Oman.

Travel by land

Land borders were closed on Monday 18 January until further notice.

Screening on arrival

All arrivals (over the age of 16) are required to have a PCR test at Muscat International Airport. There is a charge of 25 Omani Riyals for this test. You can pay for this through the Tarassud+ or eMushrif App before you arrive in Oman. You will receive a QR code that you can show at the screening point to confirm payment.

You will also be required (if you are over the age of 16) to wear a tracking bracelet for the period of your self-isolation. There is a charge (also payable through the Tarassud+ application) of 6 Omani Riyals for the bracelet. Bracelets must be returned once you have completed your self-isolation. Some health clinics have established drop off points for this purpose.

Quarantine requirements

The results of the PCR test undertaken at the airport will be sent to your registered phone (usually within 24 hours). You should self-isolate until you receive the result.

Regardless of the result of the PCR test taken at the airport, you must self-isolate for 7 days. On day 8 you must take another PCR test. These can be taken at some hospitals, private health clinics or at a drive through testing facility at Muscat International Airport. If the result is negative you can have your tracking bracelet removed and end your self-isolation. You may be charged a small additional fee to have the bracelet removed.

All arrivals (including residents) must self-isolate at a hotel at their own expense unless they are under 18 years of age (travelling unaccompanied), over 60 years of age or have a document from their health provider stating that for medical reasons they cannot self-isolate in a hotel. In these circumstances you must self-isolate at home for 7 days.

Data collection

Prior to travelling, you should download the Tarassud+ track and trace application. Through that app, or on arrival, you will need to pay 25 Omani Riyals for a PCR test (testing on arrival) and, if you are staying more than 7 days, an additional 6 Omani Riyals for a tracking bracelet.

Testing on departure

On departure you will have your temperature checked. If you show symptoms of coronavirus, you may be prevented from travelling. You must also comply with whatever the entry and testing requirements are at the country you intend to travel to.

Regular entry requirements


See ‘entry rules in response to coronavirus’ section.

Passport validity

Your passport should have at least 6 months’ validity remaining on your date of entry to Oman.

Oman doesn’t recognise dual nationality. If you hold both British and Oman nationalities and this becomes known to the Omani authorities, they may confiscate your Omani or British passport.

Yellow fever certificate requirements

Check whether you need a yellow fever certificate by visiting the National Travel Health Network and Centre’s TravelHealthPro website.

UK Emergency Travel Documents

UK Emergency Travel Documents (ETDs) are valid for entry, exit and transit in Oman however they must have at least 6 months’ remaining validity. Residents and tourists will need to get an exit stamp before leaving. This can cause delays and may prevent you from leaving on your booked flight. Check your passport carefully to make sure it’s legal and valid so that you don’t need an ETD.

Travelling with medication

Some prescribed and over the counter medicines available in the UK are banned substances in Oman. If you’re travelling to Oman with prescription drugs, carry a copy of the prescription. For further information, check with Oman’s Ministry of Health well in advance of travel.

Safety and security

Road travel

You can drive a rental car with a valid UK driving licence for up to 6 weeks. If you’re staying longer or living in country, you will need to get a local licence. If you’re planning to hire a car, check with your car hire company for information on their requirements before you travel.

Driving is on the right. If you are involved in a major road traffic accident you must stay with your vehicle and call the Royal Oman Police (ROP) on 9999. If you are involved in a minor accident, it may not be necessary to call the police, but you must follow the procedures set out on the ROP website. You must keep a Minor Road Traffic Accident form in your car. You can get one from your insurance company. Car rental companies are responsible for keeping forms in their cars.

Driving can be dangerous outside Muscat; there is a risk of hitting wandering camels and goats on the road. Rainfall can cause sudden and severe flooding in dry riverbeds and on roads that cross them.

The standard of Omani roads is generally good. Driving standards in Oman are not always as disciplined as those in the UK, and the rate of traffic accidents in Oman is significantly higher.

The Omani authorities strictly enforce traffic laws, and there are strong punishments for traffic offences, including fines of up to OMR3000 or jail sentences of up to three years. Seatbelts must be worn by all passengers in a vehicle, and child car seats are mandatory for all children under 4 years of age. It’s illegal to use a mobile phone whilst driving. There’s zero tolerance towards drink-driving. Speed limits are clearly posted on major roads.

Excursions to the desert and mountains can be dangerous unless you are in an adequately equipped 4×4 vehicle. Always travel in convoy, take a supply of water and a mobile telephone (or satellite phone) and leave a copy of your travel plans with friends or relatives. You should also make sure you’re insured.

Sea travel

Many areas of the Gulf of Aden are restricted. Vessels entering these areas have been detained and inspected, sometimes resulting in arrests. You should make careful enquiries before entering these waters or visiting ports. You should also consider how regional tensions may affect your route. Vessels operating in the Gulf of Oman, Northern Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden and Bab El Mandeb regions may be at increased risk of maritime attack.

Recent piracy attacks off the coast of Somalia and in the Gulf of Aden, highlight that the threat of piracy related activity and armed robbery in the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean remains significant. Reports of attacks on local fishing dhows in the area around the Gulf of Aden and Horn of Africa continue. The combined threat assessment of the international Naval Counter Piracy Forces remains that all sailing yachts under their own passage should remain out of the designated High Risk Area or face the risk of being hijacked and held hostage for ransom. For more information and advice, see our Piracy and armed robbery at sea page.

The safety of tourist boats may not be up to UK standards. Make sure life jackets are available for all passengers.

Political situation

There’s a possibility of unannounced demonstrations throughout the country. You should avoid all demonstrations.

Developments in the Middle East continue to have an impact on local public opinion. You should be aware of local sensitivities on these issues. Follow news reports and be alert to local and regional developments, which might trigger public disturbances.


Reported cases of sexual assault against foreign nationals are low. Personal attacks, including sexual assault and rape, are relatively rare, but do happen. Take care when walking or travelling alone, particularly at night. You should maintain at least the same level of personal security awareness as you would in the UK. See advice for women travelling abroad

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